How to suggest a purchase?


If an item is not yet in our collections, you can suggest a purchase.

Use our online forms to request a book or a film. If the suggestion respects our collection development policies, we will order it for free without prior confirmation. If the request is denied, we will inform you by email.

The time it takes to obtain a purchase varies greatly, between 3 and 5 days for an ebook, 4 and 6 weeks for a paper one, also depending on the publisher and the supplier.

If it is an emergency, please indicate a due date in the online form and we will do our best to get it in time.

But other options exist to save time:

When the document is ready to be borrowed, it will be reserved under your name at the loan desk for 10 days.

  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2024
  • Views 168
  • Answered by Pierre-André Fink

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